According to reports, Nader Ahsani, a student activist who was arrested on Student Day in 2007 was trialed by the head of the 28th branch of the Revolutionary Court, Judge Moqiseyi, and sentenced to one year of prison.

Moqiseyi, who was a member of the ‘death commission’ responsible for the death of thousands of political prisoners in the 80’s announced to  Ahsani’s lawyer on November 21 that his client was sentenced to one year of prison for spreading propaganda against the system.

According to other reports, a number of other student activists were sentenced to prison including Mr. Sayid Habibi sentenced to three years of prison, Mehdi Geraylu, 5 years of prison, Keyvan Amiri Eliasi, 5 years, Mohammad Allahyari sentenced to two years of prison and Surosh Sabet Dashtestani , who was sentenced to two years of prison. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Nov. 21, 2009)